An Introduction...

Being a teacher is an incredible opportunity to inspire, motivate and educate generations to come. It is a career in which you get to go home each day knowing you’re making a real difference, shaping the minds and lives of future generations.

There are now so many paths to pick from if you want to embrace a career in the classroom.

Whether it’s clinical teaching, an alternative, accelerated model, or through earning a bachelor’s degree in education, there are several Educator Preparation Programs that can help facilitate your journey toward getting your teaching certificate.


"Teachers impact society. They are building our future leaders and instilling good character along with education,” says Natalie Farber, Director of Accountability and Assessment for Boerne Independent School District. Hear her talk all about the amazing impact of teachers.
"Teachers impact society. They are building our future leaders and instilling good character along with education,” says Natalie Farber, Director of Accountability and Assessment for Boerne Independent School District. Hear her talk all about the amazing impact of teachers.

Apply to be An Educator today.

The application is free.
Let us guide to you through your alternative teacher certification.



This table will help you navigate through this guide. Simply click on the headings and your browser will jump to the relevant section.

What is teacher certification?

Texas Education Agency: What you need to know

Should I become a teacher?

How to become a certified Texas Teacher

Alternative route to teaching

Traditional vs Alternative Teaching Certification

How to pick an alternative teacher certification program

Clinical Teaching: The fast-track route

Teacher certification exams

Educator preparation programs

Teacher Reciprocity

How long does it take to get a teaching certificate?

How much does it cost to get a teacher certificate?

Teaching certificate requirements

How to get a copy of my teaching certificate?

Texas teacher certification renewal

What Is Teacher Certification?

You need a Texas educator certificate to become a teacher in Texas. This authorizes you to teach and facilitate learning for students in a PK -12th grade setting.

A certificate is documented proof of your teaching credentials. It shows that you have what it takes to become an educator within the school district.

Certificates are provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The TEA ensures those developing the minds of the future meet specific standards and pass required background checks.

Obtaining your teaching license is a step-by-step process that challenges and develops your ability as a teacher. By holding a current educator license, you demonstrate your credentials in terms of:

  • Understanding current teaching models, methods and practices
  • Your eligibility and permission to teach certain age groups within a specific subject
  • Your knowledge of the subject you wish to teach

From degrees and approved EPPs to passing exams, scroll to learn everything you need to know about certification.

Read On

Texas Education Agency: What you need to know

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is responsible for public education in Texas, overseeing the state’s primary and secondary public schools. As the governing body, its aim is to provide “leadership, guidance and support to school systems.”

TEA is the department of education that coordinates the certification requirements for all future educators.

Should I become a teacher?

Anyone who’s passionate about teaching will tell you that it’s one of the most satisfying jobs on the planet. When you see that spark light up in a child’s eye as they grasp a valuable lesson, every step in the journey becomes all the more worthwhile.

“I love being a teacher, it’s something I really enjoy doing,” says Matt Nead. “Making an impact on this new generation is so important.” Discover why he chose a career in teaching in the video below…

When you’re in the classroom, developing the minds of the next generation, you are shaping people’s lives. Few people have as much of an influence on a child’s life than their teachers, but teaching is not for everyone.
When you’re in the classroom, developing the minds of the next generation, you are shaping people’s lives. Few people have as much of an influence on a child’s life than their teachers, but teaching is not for everyone.

While an incredibly gratifying and fulfilling career, it does require commitment and a lot of patience. The journey to becoming a qualified teacher needs a level of organization and determination, too.

If you’re still unsure if teaching is for you, discover everything you need to know before making your decision…

Should I Become A Teacher? >

How to become a certified Teacher in Texas

If you have a bachelor degree or are about to graduate with one, you can qualify to become a certified teacher in Texas by completing 3 steps.

  1. Apply to Teachworthy by submitting your details and transcript(s) sent to We accept applications throughout the year and teaching positions are waiting to be filled now.
  2. Train and prepare before passing your content and PPR (Professional Pedagogy and Responsibilities) exams.
  3. Find your dream role using Teachworthy’s relationships across Texas. Our expert guides are with you every step of the way.

Alternative route to teaching

The world of teaching has evolved over time. Techniques have developed, new methods have emerged and technology has advanced as the needs of today’s youth forever change.

The classroom is not the same as it was several years ago, and neither is the route to becoming an educator. There are now many ways to earn your teaching certificate, with aspiring educators able to choose from a number of paths.

Many students are now completing university courses in specific subjects outside of education. This comes before completing an external Educator Preparation Program in order to get their teaching certificate.

Traditional vs Alternative Teaching Certification

If you’re looking to start your teaching career, you must consider both the traditional and alternative route to teacher certification. Take a look at our definitions below and, for a more detailed analysis, explore our guide.

Traditional Teaching Route

  1. Choose a Bachelor’s degree in Education from an accredited college. This course will include guidance on pedagogy, pupil management and many more staples of teaching.
  2. Complete your degree and earn your teaching certificate as part of your course.

Alternative Teaching Route

  1. Choose a Bachelor’s degree outside of traditional Education teaching. This course could be in any subject you wish to master. Ideally, it will be in the subject area you wish to teach in the future.
  2. Apply for an alternative route program like Teachworthy. You can do this in your final semester, before you graduate.
  3. Complete each step of the program training, which will prepare you for your pedagogy exams.
  4. Study for and pass your certification tests. These include your PPR and Content Exams.

Take a deeper dive into the traditional vs alternative teaching debate using our extensive guide linked below.

Read more in our article here >

How to pick an alternative teacher certification program

When evaluating your alternative certification options, there are some important aspects to consider.

Continue reading to explore the answers to these questions, or find out more about the best alternative certification programs in Texas using our blog below…

How to choose the right alternative teaching program >

Clinical Teaching: The fast-track route

Clinical teaching (more commonly referred to as “Student Teaching” and is what most Universities offer Education Majors), is an increasingly popular path for aspiring educators. This involves shadowing a fully-qualified teacher for 14 weeks and gradually taking on their day-to-day classroom responsibilities.

Taking place over a one-semester placement, this is a practical, hands-on assignment. Clinical teaching students work full-time on this unpaid, rapid pathway to teaching.

Our guide, which you can access using the button below, takes you through:

  • How to qualify for clinical teaching
  • The benefits
  • The process
  • How to apply

Teacher certification exams

Exams aren’t just for your future class pupils. Before teaching in a classroom, you must first demonstrate your expertise via multiple Texas teacher certification tests.

Each certification exam is designed to test your understanding of various educational methods, teaching scenarios and topics within your subject area.

We’ve produced several expert articles on each Texas certification exam. Learn all about each test below…

What is TExES?

TExES stands for the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards. This is the state of Texas’s testing program for certifying new teachers. TExES exams allow you to teach in a classroom, providing you achieve a passing score.

TExES Content Exams

TExES content exams test you on how ready you are to teach your desired subject. They cover approximately 50 subject areas and grade levels, based on the topics you’ll be teaching your students.

Content Exams are computer generated, and take place in a testing facility. Most of the questions are multiple choice. Tests are split into categories and competencies, mirroring the very lessons you’ll impart onto others in a classroom setting.

Teachworthy helps you to prepare for your content exams. We have developed partnerships with preparation systems that offer practice exams and revision materials, including 240 Tutoring and Certify Teacher.

Ensure you ace the content test by reading our article below…

Preparing for your content exams >

PPR Exam

All teachers must pass their PPR Exam before they can be recommended for their standard certificate. PPR stands for Professional Pedagogy and Responsibilities. While content exams tackle your expertise in a particular subject, PPR exams measure your knowledge and methods of teaching.
PPR questions cover everything from development and diversity to communication, technology and legalities.
If you have more questions about the PPR exams, make sure you read our comprehensive guide below…

PPR Exams – Your Questions Answered >

PACT Tests

PACT Tests are required for admission into an Educator Preparation Program in the following cases:

  • If the applicant has a GPA below 2.5
  • If the applicant has not completed 12 semester credit hours in their desired teaching subject

Discover if you need to PACT test for your dream teaching position in our go-to guide.

PACT Tests Explained >

Texas teacher exam study guides

Educator Preparation Programs

Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) provide an alternative route to earning your teaching certificate. Teachworthy, for instance, helps to introduce thousands of educators to more than 1,000 Texas school districts.

Our interactive web-based modules teach you everything you need to know about a range of subjects, including:

  • Behavior Management
  • Curriculum & Lesson Design
  • Equity in the Classroom
  • Teachers as Leaders
  • Frameworks for Teaching
  • Reading Strategies

We offer program advisors and a range of resources, coaches and mentors to help you on your teaching journey. Find out more using the links below:

Teacher Reciprocity

Teacher certifications are issued by the state’s education agency, with different areas having their own requirements. This does not mean, however, that you cannot teach in Texas with an out-of-state license.

Teacher reciprocity enables educators who hold a certificate in another state to apply for a review of their credentials from TEA.

Are you an out-of-state certified teacher, looking to teach in Texas? Discover everything you need to know in TEA’s reciprocity guide.

How long does it take to get a teaching certificate?

Becoming a teacher is not something that happens overnight. A career with endless learning and development opportunities takes time to master, and it all starts with earning your teaching certificate.

The steps to getting your license include:

  1. A four-year bachelor degree
  2. A minimum of 12 hours of college coursework in the subject you wish to teach
  3. Preparing for your exams – this can take a few months.
  4. A one-year internship under the guidance of a certification program

Click below to unravel the full journey, from completing your degree at college to getting your dream job as a teacher.

How long it takes to get a teaching certificate >

How much does it cost to get a teacher certificate?

Education college courses that include certification can cost over $100,000, depending on the university you go to. If you have a bachelor’s degree but don’t have a certificate, you can apply for an Educator Preparation Program.

Enrollment fees for EPPs range from $95 to $595, depending on the one you choose. Other potential costs include:

  • Intern Certificate, Internship fees, and state submissions: $3,500-$4,500
  • Application fees: this is free with Teachworthy but other programs do charge.

How much a Texas teacher certificate costs

Teachworthy pricing guide

Teaching certificate requirements

Getting your teaching certificate opens up a whole new world of career opportunities. As many of our former trainees will tell you, being a teacher will change your life.

If you’re ready to embark on this inspiring journey, here are a few essentials you must have to complete your certification.

  1. A bachelor’s degree
  2. A 2.5 GPA
  3. Money for the fees
  4. Expert knowledge of a subject matter
  5. 30 hours of field based experience
  6. A passing score in your PPR exam and content exam
  7. Internship experience
  8. A passion for teaching

For a more in-depth look at the requirements, access our free guide below…

Teaching certificate requirements >

How to get a copy of my teaching certificate?

When applying for a new teaching position, the school may ask you for a copy of your teaching certificate. This is very easy to access via the TEA website. Follow the steps below to see your teaching license:

  1. Login to your Texas Education Agency account
  2. Select “Access Applications”, followed by “View My Educator Certification Account”
  3. Press “Continue”
  4. Select “View Certificates”

Discover what else you can do on the TEA website below…

How to get a copy of your teaching certificate >

Texas teacher certification renewal

Teaching certificates expire after 5 years, but you can renew them in just 4 simple steps providing you have completed a minimum of 150 CPE hours.

How to renew your Texas teaching certificate:

  1. Login to your TEAL account
  2. Click “View my Educator Certification Account” and login to your Educator Certification Online System profile
  3. Select “Applications” and press “Renew a Standard Certificate”
  4. Follow the instructions

Are you ready?

At Teachworthy, we help aspiring educators become the teachers students remember, the ones whose lessons they carry with them throughout their lives.

“Teachers have a huge responsibility and opportunity to become a molding influence on their students,” says Texas teacher Christopher Perrin. “Since becoming a teacher, I have had more fun than I’ve ever had in my entire life.”

Discover the impact Christopher has had on his class pupils below…

If you’re ready to make a difference in children’s lives, the journey starts right now. All you have to do is click the button below and start your application…

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